Colorado Springs' Commitment to Climate Change and Environmental Protection

The City of Colorado Springs is dedicated to implementing practices that promote clean energy & environmentally responsible projects to improve health & longevity for residents & visitors.

Colorado Springs' Commitment to Climate Change and Environmental Protection

The City of Colorado Springs is devoted to executing practices that encourage clean energy, investment in existing infrastructure, and new projects that are environmentally responsible to improve the health and longevity of the city, its citizens, and visitors. The settlement will result in considerable reductions in the discharge of pollutants, such as sediment, oil and grease, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers, and bacteria, in Fountain Creek and its tributaries in Colorado Springs. This will protect these waters as sources of recreation, irrigation, and drinking water for many years to come. The EPA and the State conducted inspections and a follow-up investigation which revealed that there were widespread violations of the municipal discharge permit resulting in the discharge of contaminants in Fountain Creek and its tributaries in Colorado Springs, in violation of the Clean Water Act and other applicable laws.

In Colorado Springs, Colorado, approximately 17% of buildings are at risk of flooding with a significant risk level. The major tributaries of Fountain Creek in Colorado Springs include Monument Creek, Camp Creek, Cheyenne Creek, Shooks Run, Sand Creek, Cottonwood Creek, and Pine Creek. Additionally, 24% of buildings are at risk of wildfire with a significant risk level. The risks presented on this page reflect the averages for Colorado Springs, Colorado, and may vary depending on individual properties.

Both Fountain Creek and its largest tributary Monument Creek are listed by the state of Colorado Springs as deteriorated for E. The Department of Justice on behalf of the EPA and the state of Colorado filed an amended lawsuit against the city of Colorado Springs alleging violations. By 2050 people in Colorado Springs are expected to experience an average of approximately 37 days a year above 90.5°F. Annual rainfall in Colorado Springs is expected to increase from approximately 16.4 to approximately 17.0.

The lawsuit alleged that the city failed to adequately fund its stormwater management program and allowed storm sewers and municipal facilities intended to prevent stormwater pollution such as regional stormwater retention ponds to fall into disrepair. Fountain Creek flows north to south dividing Colorado Springs in two eventually emptying into the Arkansas River near Pueblo which is about 40 miles south of Colorado Springs. Buildings at risk in Colorado Springs have an average of about 34.0% chance of being flooded about 1.7 feet deep over a 30-year period. The City of Colorado Springs is taking proactive steps to ensure that their citizens are protected from climate change and environmental degradation.

They have implemented a number of initiatives to reduce emissions from their municipal operations as well as investing in infrastructure improvements that will help reduce flooding risks from storms and wildfires. Additionally, they have taken legal action against those who have violated environmental regulations in order to protect their citizens from further harm. By taking these steps they are ensuring that their citizens can enjoy a safe and healthy environment for years to come.

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